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Cost vs speed of your ADSL


Notwithstanding repeated grumbles about the "lack of bandwidth" in S. A. , the fact still is that most users can get the amount of bandwidth they need, provided they're prepared to pay for it. So announces Andre Joubert, GM of MWEB Business, who highlights that, what companies are actually stumping up for when they purchase bandwidth, is speed. The bigger the speed of your connection, the more that you pay. "The days when the Web was dubbed the World Wide Wait are over for most users, but there are some, especially those still using dial-up, for whom the wait continues.

"But for most others, the wait has changed into a relative thing. It all boils down to the velocity of your Net connection how much you have, how much you want, how much you need, and generally the decisive factor how much you can afford," he adds.

According to Joubert, it is comparatively simple for a companies to move up the rate chain from dial-up to ADSL, and from there to 10Mbps ADSL, bonded ADSL, fixed-line Diginet and, where it's available, fibre optic.

Joubert cautions that it'll take a little time before fibre connectivity becomes pervasive across S. A. , while it is swiftly being rolled out in high-impact urban areas especially areas in which business requirement for connectivity is high. The question that's frequently asked is why any business should cough up extra for speed. The answer used to be : because speed and increased productiveness go together. Now, an of increasing significance aspect to the velocity maze is the cloud.

Joubert believes the 'cloud' is moving beyond hype, and is probably going to become a main component of any business' computing and communications technique inside the imminent future. "It's speed that may drive cloud capacity. There are business tools info, info and programmes that are just not practicable at low speeds. With giant bandwidth pipes, and the speeds these deliver, the cloud becomes a practical option for all firms, massive and small," he is saying. "The drive for MWEB Business has long been to narrow the proportion between speed and cost ; and to make the price of speed particularly in its uncapped and unshaped format more cost-effective. It's this drive which will bring the advantages of the cloud in reach of all businesses.".

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